Prison Department Balochistan Jobs 2023

The Prison Department of Balochistan, also known as the Balochistan Prisons, is responsible for the management and administration of prisons in the province of Balochistan, Pakistan. The department operates under the jurisdiction of the provincial government and works to ensure the custody, care, and rehabilitation of prisoners.

Prison Department Balochistan Jobs 2023

The primary objectives of the Prison Department Balochistan include:

  • Safe Custody: The department is responsible for ensuring the secure and humane confinement of individuals who have been convicted of crimes or are awaiting trial.
  • Prisoner Welfare: The department works towards providing basic amenities, healthcare, and welfare services to prisoners to ensure their well-being during their incarceration.
  • Rehabilitation and Reformation: The department aims to rehabilitate prisoners by providing them with education, vocational training, and counseling programs to equip them with skills that can assist in their reintegration into society upon release.
  • Security and Discipline: Maintaining a secure environment within the prisons is crucial. The department is responsible for maintaining discipline, preventing escapes, and managing any disturbances within the prison facilities.
  • Legal and Human Rights: The department is expected to ensure that prisoners’ legal rights are respected, and they are treated in accordance with national and international human rights standards.

The Prison Department Balochistan works in collaboration with other law enforcement agencies, judiciary, and relevant stakeholders to fulfill its mandate effectively. It strives to create a rehabilitative and secure environment for prisoners while also contributing to public safety and the criminal justice system of the province.

Positions available:

  • Assistant Computer Operators
  • Compounders
  • Cook
  • Drivers
  • Electricians
  • Gas Fitters
  • Jail Warders
  • Junior Clerks
  • Junior Drill Instructors
  • Lab Assistants
  • Lady Health Visitors
  • Midwives
  • Motor Mechanics
  • Plumbers
  • Quran Teachers
  • Sweepers
  • Tailor Masters
  • X-Ray Attendants
  • X-Ray Technicians
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Prison Department Balochistan Jobs

The Prison Department Balochistan periodically advertises job vacancies for various positions within the department. These job opportunities may include both administrative and operational roles. Some common job positions that may be available within the Prison Department Balochistan are:

  • Warder/Jail Police: Warders, also known as Jail Police, are responsible for the custody and security of prisoners within the prison facilities. They maintain discipline, conduct regular inspections, and ensure the safety of prisoners.
  • Superintendent/Jailor: Superintendents or Jailors are responsible for the overall management and administration of prisons. They oversee the daily operations, supervise staff, and implement policies and procedures to maintain order and security within the prison.
  • Assistant Superintendent/Deputy Jailor: Assistant Superintendents or Deputy Jailors assist the Superintendent/Jailor in managing prison operations. They may be assigned specific responsibilities such as inmate classification, rehabilitation programs, or administrative tasks.
  • Medical Officer: Medical Officers provide healthcare services to prisoners within the prison facilities. They attend to medical emergencies, provide regular check-ups, and ensure the well-being of prisoners.
  • Psychologist/Counselor: Psychologists or Counselors work with prisoners to address their psychological and emotional needs. They conduct counseling sessions, provide therapy, and design rehabilitation programs to facilitate prisoners’ reformation.
  • Education Instructor: Education Instructors play a vital role in providing educational opportunities to prisoners. They conduct classes, develop curriculum, and assist prisoners in acquiring knowledge and skills.

These are just a few examples of the job positions that may be available within the Prison Department Balochistan. To stay updated on current job vacancies and the application process, it is recommended to regularly check the official website of the Prison Department Balochistan or the official job portals of the provincial government of Balochistan.

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How to Apply?

  • Candidates may get Application Forms from the Office of Inspectorate General Jail Khana Jat or Central/District Jails.
  • Applicants must forward their applications on the prescribed form before 16th June 2023.

Prison Department Balochistan Jobs 2023

Prison Department Balochistan Jobs 2023

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